Registering in the catalog

"Apromed" LLC

Production of environmentally friendly energy-saving systems for electrochemical water purification and drinking-water treatment.
Electrical industry
Страны СНГ
Размер компании: микропредприятие
Goods and services
Production of environmentally friendly energy-saving systems for electrochemical water purification and drinking-water treatment.
Production of instruments for physical quantity control, production of other instruments and tools for measurement, control and testing (temperature measuring means - thermal transducers)
Electrical industry
249037, Obninsk, Lenina prospect, 121 (territory of JSC PZ "SIGNAL")
Industrial transformers with a capacity of 0.02 kVA to 63.0 kVA, three-phase transformers of industrial purpose (aluminum and copper winding design), transformers for alarm, centralization and blocking devices of railway transport (in the usual, sealed and fire-fighting design).
Electrical industry
248000, Kaluga, station Kaluga-1
Installation and maintenance of doorphones
Electrical industry
249034, Russia, Kaluga region, Obninsk, st. Belkinskaya, 44