Registering in the catalog

"Kaluga Cable Factory" LLC

Power cable, installation wire, lighting cable, for blasting operations, telephone.
INN: 4004001161
Electrical industry
Размер компании: среднее предприятие
Goods and services
Power cable, installation wire, lighting cable, for blasting operations, telephone.
Production of environmentally friendly energy-saving systems for electrochemical water purification and drinking-water treatment.
Electrical industry
249033 Obninsk, Gorkogo st., 26a
Creating conditions for inventive, innovative activity in the development and production of integrated circuits, establishment of a team of specialists capable to solve State tasks in this area, return of Russian microelectronics to the international level.
Electrical industry
248033, Kaluga, st. Akademicheskaya, 2
Development and production of equipment for maintenance of electric power transport
Electrical industry
249038, Kaluga region, Obninsk, st. Lyubogo, 5