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INN: 4029053323
Metals and metal processing
Production company
About company
Отрасль: производство станков вибропрессования, кантователей, грузоподъемных механизмов
Billets of sleeve-type sliding bearings used in friction units with water and oil lubrication at operating speeds up to 80 m/s, coolant temperature up to 1050S and specific loads up to 200MPa.
Metals and metal processing
248010, Kaluga, st. Moscovskaya, 241
Development and production of magnets, magnetic systems and devices.
Metals and metal processing
248012, Kaluga, st. Skladskaya, 6
Manufacturer of magnetic systems and industrial equipment
Metals and metal processing
248018, Kaluga, st. Khrustalnaya, 22