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INN: 4029053323
Metals and metal processing
Production company
About company
Отрасль: производство станков вибропрессования, кантователей, грузоподъемных механизмов
Bridge, gantry, cantilever, special cranes, metal structures of buildings and structures
Metals and metal processing
249038, Obninsk, Lenin Avenue 121
Российский производитель труб и фитингов из полипропилена
Metals and metal processing
249191, Kaluga region, Zhukov, st. Sovetskaya, 82B
Billets of sleeve-type sliding bearings used in friction units with water and oil lubrication at operating speeds up to 80 m/s, coolant temperature up to 1050S and specific loads up to 200MPa.
Metals and metal processing
248010, Kaluga, st. Moscovskaya, 241